Pastor Omo Ghandi-Olaoye is the multi-talented Founder and Pastor-in-Charge of the Jesus Women Ministries of Jesus House DC; a Women’s Ministry that addresses pertinent issues of womanhood from birth to old age, with a view to positively affect these areas in line with the Word of God.
An attorney by profession, Pastor Omo is married to Pastor Ghandi Olaoye and they both serve as the Senior Pastors of the RCCG Jesus House, DC parish, located in Silver Spring, Maryland. She has been in ministry alongside her husband since 1992.
She is a Special Assistant to the Continental Overseer (SATCO – Welfare – The Americas)
She sits on the Board of Executive of the RCCGNA Women in Ministry (WIM) as Coordinator in Charge of Programs and Publicity – a role she took on at the inception of the Ministry in 1998 and has passionately and successfully driven till date with over a thousand women leaders and counting in attendance.
She is a Provincial Pastor at RCCGNA Region 8, where she assists the Regional Pastor with the Regional duties.
As a true visionary with a heart for ministry, she has the call of God upon her life to preach good tidings and hope to the poor and the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, as well as reach out to women of all ages in her local church, communities and nations at large, with a vision to help them live their full inheritance in Christ Jesus.
She is an Author, a Publisher, a Fashion icon, a woman of faith and her life is a continuous testimony of a woman living the overcoming Christian life.
She is the CEO of Great Grace – a full house publishing company.
She is the Founder of the GZUSWMN Brand – a Clothing line, an elegant and contemporary everyday wear for women of all ages.
She is the Founder and CEO of Summa Claude Initiative – a Youth Leadership community-based Initiative. It is an Aristocratic, Scholarly and Honors Initiative birthed to inspire Youth and produce high standard Achievers in the community.
She currently sits on the School Management Board of Edo State Nigeria Africa, an established body by the State Government to mediate across the State Government, Schools and the communities in order to contribute to the development, planning and decision-making at the schools’ level in order to improve learning outcomes; To collaborate with the Government towards achieving its goals and objectives for education. To ensure continuous community participation through improved advocacy and resource mobilization. To strategically provide avenues for all stakeholders to participate actively in School Governance to improve service delivery, access, equity, and learning outcomes for the learner. Promote community interest in the school system and make communities aware of their responsibilities in supporting the education of all.
She is the visionary of the 24-hour non-stop All Nations Praise-A-Thon which began since 2008 at Jesus House, DC bringing different people in the community from various nations, culture and diverse tongues to praise and worship God with instruments, songs, poetry and dance. This event has impacted lives bringing salvation, healing, deliverance, breakthroughs and divine restoration.
Pastor Omo is the Visionary of over 20 Ministries and counting…. under the umbrella of the Jesus Women Ministries. For 25 years, Jesus Women have impacted over 10,000 women in our immediate community and internationally under the visionary leadership of Pastor Omo Ghandi-Olaoye from ministering to married women (HomeBuilders Ministry), single mothers (Daughters of Promise Ministry), matured singles (Beulah Ministry), mothers of children with special needs (Mothers of Champions – MOCS), widows (Ruth Ministry), couples believing in the Lord for children (Encounter @ Shiloh Ministry), pregnant women (Joyful Mothers Ministry), families with newborns (Maternity Ministry) and young children (MomWise Ministry) to hosting the annual Ultimate Woman Conference, Speak to Your Seed Mothers’ Convention, to building up a strong and effective Community of Outreach to meet needs within her local Church Community (The Brethren Assist), the DMV Community (The King’s Table Ministry), and the Nations internationally (The Heritage International Projects). And more.
Pastor Omo’s life is truly a God-revered life that is a continuous testimony of a woman living the overcoming Christian life.
To the glory of God, she is the joyful mother of Fehintolu and Toluni, the wonderful set of twin girls God blessed them with for her 40th birthday and after 11 years of marriage.
No matter how she is described, Pastor Omo Ghandi-Olaoye is the epitome of a Jesus Woman, “a powerhouse transforming the world one Christian woman at a time”.
On her 5oth Birthday, she was acknowledged and received greetings from President Barrack Obama (The White House), Governor (The Governor of the State of Maryland) with the Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown in attendance, the County Executive – Mr. Isaiah “Ike” Leggett ( was in attendance, and a Delegation of the Organization of African Union (OAU) were also sent to greet and identify with her in commemoration of the 50 years of existence of the OAU.
She has received many awards and still is, in recognition of her outstanding Leadership and contribution to the Community.
A trail blazer, a virtuous and dynamic woman, a woman of excellence, visionary leader with a servant’s heart, Special Assistant to the Continental Overseer, Executive Leader in the RCCG, Women in Ministry, Senior Pastor, Wife, Mother, beloved daughter of the Most High God – Pastor Omo Ghandi-Olaoye.
Brief History on the day she was born - May 25, 1963
John F. Kennedy
None (Nnamdi Chukwuemeka Azikiwe was the President from Oct 1 1963.)
Mike Myers, Canadian Actor and Comedian
$0.04 ($0.05 as of 1/7/63)
On May 25, 1963, 31 African leaders convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity (OAU)